
Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Toolkit

Carpool Toolkit

Vanpool FAQ

Qualifying SMART Modes

Walk—traveling by foot.

Bike—a vehicle consisting of a handlebar and two wheels, propelled by foot or motor (eBike).
*NOTE: this does NOT include motorcycle.

Skateboard—a short wooden board mounted on four wheels propelled by foot.

Bus—a large transit vehicle that carries other passengers along a fixed-route.

Scooter—a vehicle consisting of a handlebar and narrow footboard mounded on two wheels, propelled by foot or motor (eScooter).

Active Rolling—use of a human powered or electric vehicle such as wheelchair

Carpool—two or more riders with a shared destination arranging to ride together in a single vehicle.
*NOTE: This does NOT include natural forming carpools within families, such as parents driving children. Passengers must be of driving age.

Vanpool—four or more riders with a similar route arranging to ride together from a shared point of origin to a shared destination.