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Find Commute Matches

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Welcome to ShareTheRideNC!

Ready to earn rewards for your commute? 

We want to help you quickly and securely find your best commute options, including carpool partners anywhere in the greater Charlotte area! Using your home and work addresses, you will be matched to nearby commuters with similar schedules. 


When you receive your list of matches, you may choose who to contact. There are no obligations or requirements. And don't worry, your home address will never appear on match lists.


You can then use this site to track your daily commute, whether it is carpooling, riding public transit, biking, teleworking or vanpooling so you can earn rewards! 
The site also will measure your alternative commute activities' financial and environmental savings. Record your commute trips on a daily or weekly basis and watch the numbers—and your contribution—add up to even more prizes!